Search Results - information+technology

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All-Optical Multiplexer and De-multiplexer for Temporal Modes of Electromagnetic Radiation using Nonlinear Optical Cavities and Shaped Laser Pulses
University of Oregon Researchers: Michael Raymer, Dileep Reddy Patent: US10,871,699 issued on 12/22/2020 (UO-18-26) All-Optical Multiplexer and De-multiplexer for Temporal Modes of Electromagnetic Radiation using Nonlinear Optical Cavities and Shaped Laser Pulses. Technology Background/Definition of Problem:: A quantum pulse gate can be understood...
Published: 5/13/2024   |   Inventor(s): Michael Raymer, Dileep Reddy
Keywords(s): Science
Category(s): Communications, Engineering, Information Technology, Physical Science
Phononic quantum networks of solid-state spins using phononic crystal waveguides for one-sided coupling
­ University of Oregon Researchers: Hailin Wang, Mark Kuzyk Phononic Quantum Networks of Solid-State Spins with Alternating and Frequency-Selective Waveguides Patent: US11,113,622 issued on 9/7/2021 (UO-18-23) Technology Background: Quantum computing is the next frontier in complexity of operation of computing devices. The ability to tie together...
Published: 6/10/2022   |   Inventor(s): Hailin Wang, Mark Kuzyk
Keywords(s): Science
Category(s): Engineering, Information Technology, Nanoscience & Microtechnologies, Materials Science, Physical Science
Detecting Semantic Errors from Text through Ontology-Based Information Extraction
University of Oregon Researchers: Dejing Dou, Steven Fickas Patent: 9,442,917 issued 9/13/2016 (UO-13-35) Detecting Semantic Errors in Text Using Ontology-Based Extraction Rules. Technology Background/Definition of Problem: Current natural language processing (NLP) tools can detect errors in text documents reflecting incorrect spelling, syntax,...
Published: 6/10/2022   |   Inventor(s): Dejing Dou, Steven Fickas
Category(s): Information Technology, Software, Speech & Language
mSSL offers protected client-to-client data sharing in addition to other features. Conventionally, a client needs to directly request data from a server. A new trend of data service over the Internet is to allow multiple clients, such as thousands of clients of a web server, to share data among themselves in a peer-to-peer fashion. This...
Published: 2/1/2024   |   Inventor(s): Jun Li, Xun Kang
Keywords(s): Computer, Information Technology, Software, Solutions
Category(s): Information Technology