SWIS - School-Wide Information System


The School-Wide Information System (SWIS) is a web-based information system designed to help school personnel to use office referral data to design school-wide and individual student interventions. The three primary elements of SWIS are:


·         An efficient system for gathering information

·         A web-based computer application for data entry and report generation

·         A practical process for using information for decision making


These three elements give school personnel the capability to evaluate individual student behavior, the behavior of groups of students, behaviors occurring in specific settings, and behaviors occurring during specific time periods of the school day. SWISâ„¢ reports indicate times and/or locations prone to elicit problem behaviors, and allow teachers and administrators to shape school-wide environments to maximize students' academic and social achievements.


Visit the SWIS website for more information. 



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Education & Training
For Information, Contact:
Charles Williams
AVP for Innovation
University of Oregon
Robert Horner
K-12 Education
Research Tools - Education